Mum's Oasis | Sydney Doula

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How a Doula can help in Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

A doula is a non-medical professional who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to a woman and her partner in pregnancy, during, and after childbirth.

How a doula can help in pregnancy

The services that doulas offer vary. Some doulas have an additional qualification and offer for example massage, yoga, or nutritional advice but in general, they offer

  • Birth and parenting classes

  • Help with writing a birth plan

  • Answering questions about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum

  • Talking through fears and concerns

How a doula can help during the birth

Usually, the doula and the mother meet before birth to build rapport and discuss a birth plan. The doula is called when the woman goes into labor and stays until the baby is a few hours old.

  • Create a calm and relaxing environment with dimmed light, music or essential oils

  • Suggest positions for labor

  • Guide through breathing techniques

  • Offer comfort measures like massage, back rub, face wipes and heat or cold packs

  • Speak encouragement and affirmation

  • Assist the partner in helping the birthing mother

  • Help with bonding with baby and the first breastfeed

How a doula can help postpartum

Doulas offer in-home care for the mother, the newborn, and their family. The support often varies from woman to woman and visit to visit according to the mother's needs.

  • Breastfeeding support

  • Newborn settling techniques

  • Safe sleeping guidelines for the baby

  • Swaddling techniques

  • First baby bath

  • Practical in-home support such as meal preparation and light home cleaning