Benefits of a Pregnancy Massage

During pregnancy, your body undergoes many changes, some of them stressful and uncomfortable. Massage is a perfect way to reduce stress, promote general well-being and prepare your body and mind for birth.


The benefits of pregnancy massage are:

  • Mother-baby connection

  • Increased relaxation

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Reduced stress

  • Eases back, shoulder and neck pain

  • Stabilises hormonal changes

  • General well-being


FAQs around pregnancy massage

What week of pregnancy can I get a massage?

You can get a massage from the moment you are pregnant all the way up to the birth of your baby.

Is it safe to get a massage when pregnant?

Pregnancy massage is safe as long as you and your baby are healthy and there aren’t any complications with the pregnancy. If you are unsure, check with your medical care provider.

How often should I get a massage while pregnant?

You can get a massage once a month during your pregnancy. You can increase your massage to weekly appointments in your last month of pregnancy until you give birth for maximum preparation and relaxation.

Damaris Lee

I am a Birth and Postpartum Doula who supports pregnant and new mums with education and practical support.

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