Doula Breastfeeding Support - How postpartum care supports breastfeeding.

Postpartum Support is pretty much breastfeeding support.

Watch the video or read the text below to learn how postpartum care through a doula supports breastfeeding.

Oftentimes, it is said that a new mum’s only two jobs are to rest and breastfeed her baby.

Both are done best in a calm and supportive environment where the new mum is cared for and her needs are met.

Postpartum support

  • gives the new mum the time and space to rest and focus on bonding and breastfeeding.

  • always focuses on the new mum and her needs and to meet those.

  • avoids stress for the new mum and increases her oxytocin levels.

Both, the hormone oxytocin and stress have a direct impact on breastfeeding.


Oxytocin is also the “breastfeeding hormone”. Simply said, when oxytocin levels are high the milk flows and breastfeeding goes well.


High stress levels however have a negative impact on breastfeeding and can lead to low milk supply or engorgement in the breast.

What we want is to avoid stress for the new mum and to increase her oxytocin levels and that is also the goal of postpartum support.

"Breastfeeding is easiest when the mother is not stressed- when, in fact, her family and the rest of her society give her encouragement and friendly support. If a mother is full of stress hormones, her oxytocin and prolactin levels will be greatly inhibited and her milk production may be reduced or even temporarily stopped."

- Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding support looks like education, showing different positions and making sure that baby is attached well - I am a big believer of all these things. But breastfeeding support also looks like creating a safe and calm environment where the new mum has the time and space to learn how to breastfeed. Because breastfeeding can be difficult in the beginning as both you and your baby have to learn this new skill. That is why it is important to have that space, to have someone who encourages you, to have a very positive and supportive environment.

In investing in professional postpartum support you also invest in your breastfeeding journey.

My favourite book on breastfeeding:

  • Ina May Gaskin: “Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding” - get it on amazon

Damaris Lee

I am a Birth and Postpartum Doula who supports pregnant and new mums with education and practical support.

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